virtualrheologicalobject Virtual Rheological Objects

Heads: Shinichi Hirai
Contact: Zhang Peng-lin

Date: 2000 - 2007

Mailing address:
Dept. Robotics, Ritsumeikan Univ.
Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan

Supported by:
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No.14205039) 2002 - 2004
Visual and Haptic Rendering for Virtual Rheological Objects

Associated lab/group:
Tanaka Lab. (Dept.Computer Science)
Noborio Lab. (Dept.Computer Science, Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.)

Jump to: Project Description | Personnel | Publications | Notes | Related Sites

Project Description

We will construct virtual rheological objects in VR space and will realize haptic sensation at the contact with rheological objects. Research topics include reality-based modeling of rheological objects, volmatic visualization of deformation inside rheological objects from CT and ultrasonic images, and haptic rendering of rheological deformation.
2007/11/2 Workshop on Modeling, Identification, and Control of Deformable Soft Objects
in conjunction with IROS 2007, San Diego, U.S.A.
2005/4/22 Proposal for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research "Reality-based Modeling of Deformable Soft Objects via Internal Sensing" was accepted. (HP)
2002/6/7 Proposal for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Visual and Haptic Rendering for Virtual Rheological Objects was accepted.

There exist many deformable soft objects that show rheological nature in our environment. We have to construct these rheological objects in a virtual world for the virtual reality. In this project, we will construct Virtual Rheological Objects in VR space and will realize haptic sensation caused by rheological objects.

Research topics include 1) Reality-based modeling of rheological objects, 2) Volmatic visualization of deformation inside rheological objects from CT and ultrasonic images, and 3) Haptic rendering of rheological deformation.

 → elastic object
 → rheological object
natural shape deformed shape  → plastic object


Name Title Degree
Takashi Ikuta Graduated Master of Eng.
Shinichiro Hayami Graduated Master of Eng.
Seiji Tomokuni Graduated Master of Eng.
Masafumi Kimura Graduated Master of Eng.
Seiichi Fujita Graduated


Oral Presentations



Simulating collision among rheological objects (m1v 3.1MB)

Simulating collision among rheological objects (m1v 3.2MB)

Simulating forming process (m1v 3.1MB)

Simulating forming process (m1v 3.1MB)

"Elastic, plastic, and rheological deformations" (mpg 2.2MB)

Related Sites